Childcare and Education
Nannies, Childminders, Nurseries, Afterschool clubs, Performing Arts teachers, Schools and Colleges. After spending 14 years in childcare, I am all too aware of the injuries children can have during the day.
Why not have the children learn first aid with a fun and engaging 2 hour Mini Medics session. Just £180 per class and each child receives a Mini Medics certificate
Half Day Courses (£200 + £14 per delegate)
First Aid Annual Refresher
FAA Level 1 Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health (4 hours)
FFA Level 1 Awareness of Safeguarding
One Day Courses (£300 + £15 per delegate)
Emergency First Aid at Work FAA Level 3
Emergency Paediatric First Aid FAA Level 3
FAA Level 2 First Aid for Mental Health
Level 3 Principles of Safeguarding
Two Day Courses (£600 + £17 per delegate)
First Aid at Work Re-qualification
Paediatric First Aid FAA Level 3
FAA Level 3 Supervising First Aid for Mental Health
Three Day Courses (£900 + £20 per delegate)
First Aid at Work FAA Level 3
*If you can't see the course you're looking for or you're not part of a group please get in touch for a personalised quote